Category: Uncategorized

  • Meet Your Support Team

    You are not in this alone! Buying a home can be a very complex process, with lots of steps and decisions to make – that’s why you have a team of professionals ready to help you. A typical home sale today involves over a dozen steps and at least that many people. Some of these…

  • Are You Prepared For Snow?

    One thing to think about when buying a home is what happens during bad weather. Whether it be an extended heat wave or drought, or a major snow storm, your home should be a shelter during inclement weather. This year’s major snowstorm reminds us of the value of being prepared. Keep reading for some ideas…

  • Sell or Rent it Out?

    If you own and home and are thinking of selling, there may be another option: rent it out. One great way to plan for retirement is to begin acquiring rental properties. If you own but are thinking of selling and buying another home, consider using the existing home as a rental and let the renters pay…