Are You Prepared For Snow?

One thing to think about when buying a home is what happens during bad weather. Whether it be an extended heat wave or drought, or a major snow storm, your home should be a shelter during inclement weather. This year’s major snowstorm reminds us of the value of being prepared. Keep reading for some ideas to prepare for cold weather.

When the temperature begins to drop, it’s time to get ready. Make sure your HVAC system has been serviced recently. Snow and ice can build up on the external unit’s fan blades and cause problems. If you have propane heat, make sure the tank is filled. Put the little foam caps over external hose bibs to keep them from freezing.

Keep an eye on the energy bills during the winter. They should go up November-March, but if the increase is extreme you might want to have an energy audit performed on the house. Some simple upgrades might make a major difference in the energy efficiency of your home – which translates into lower bills for you! Speaking of energy, what happens at your home if the power goes out? If you heat with natural gas, that’s easy, but if you heat with electricity, have a back-up plan to keep warm if the power goes out. I owned a home for a while that had a solar power system, complete with a battery backup. So nice!

Think about what’s in the pantry. If you get snowed in you may not be able to get to the grocery store for several days – make sure you’ve got food to last you for a week. If you cook with electricity, pull out your camping stove and make sure you’ve got an extra propane bottle, just in case.

The same basic rules apply to your car. There are several items that should go into your car:

  • A gallon of water
  • At least one warm blanket
  • An extra jacket and hat
  • An ice scraper

Take your car to a local service professional – make sure the fluids are all topped off, that the battery is in great condition, and that the tires are the right pressure. Double check the spare tire. Get new windshield wipers if they are called for. Use glass cleaner to clean the insides of your car windows – they will defrost faster and stay cleaner that way. Pay attention to the weather forecast and trust your intuition. If it looks dangerous, it probably is!

If you are concerned that your home isn’t the right place for you, that it’s not meeting your needs, then give me a call and we can discuss whether another home might be a better fit. Keep warm this winter!